Bright Starts Portable Compact Automatic Baby Swing

Treat baby to a breezy vacation state-of-mind with the Bright Starts  Portable Swing. Like palm trees swinging in the breeze, your baby will peacefully sway in this comfy seat or leisurely play with interactive toys. You’ll love knowing you can safely rest your little one securely in your sight. With its 2-position recline, this swing is sure to feel just right for baby’s preference. The 2 nature-inspired toys and cheerful design will keep your baby in good swinging company. Features an easy-to-remove toy bar so you can easily access your baby. With 10 cheerful melodies, swing time is song time, and an adjustable five-point harness keeps baby snug in their deep comfortable seat. Compact as it is cozy, the lightweight and foldable design makes it easy to pack up this baby swing for travel or storage.

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This swing is packed with features: TrueSpeed technology means you can choose from 6 swing speeds, even as baby grows from newborn to infant. And with WhisperQuiet technology, the only sounds you’ll hear are the sweet sighs and babbles from your happy baby. Swinging and songs powered by 4 C batteries (not included).

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Pink Paradise, Playful Paradise